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agile solves SaaS spend Shadow IT, and operational challenges terms of operational.

Buy-in? Easier said than done.In this webinar, learn how BAbdullah, Project & Governance at Gorillas, built a business case and earned critical buy-in for Agile at Gorillas, built a business IT .

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We’ve only had Agile for a couple of months, but I’d say we’ve saved


We’ve only had Agile for a couple of months, but I’d say we’ve saved


agile solves SaaS spend Shadow IT, and operational challenges terms of operational.

Buy-in? Easier said than done.In this webinar, learn how BAbdullah, Project & Governance at Gorillas, built a business case and earned critical buy-in for Agile at Gorillas, built a business IT .

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agile solves SaaS spend Shadow IT, and operational challenges terms of operational.

Buy-in? Easier said than done.In this webinar, learn how BAbdullah, Project & Governance at Gorillas, built a business case and earned critical buy-in for Agile at Gorillas, built a business IT .

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We’ve only had Agile for a couple of months, but I’d say we’ve saved


We’ve only had Agile for a couple of months, but I’d say we’ve saved


agile solves SaaS spend Shadow IT, and operational challenges terms of operational.

Buy-in? Easier said than done.In this webinar, learn how BAbdullah, Project & Governance at Gorillas, built a business case and earned critical buy-in for Agile at Gorillas, built a business IT .

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